Within the first several pages of the script, we are introduced to the inciting incident of the tragedy. What is the action that Lear takes that becomes the incident that this tragedy will deal with? Explain your answer (why is THIS the serious incident that will have flow on effects). Provide quotations from the text […]

Text A: I think that the imagery shows that there is a feeling of “home” or origin in places that are unfamiliar. This is because in the poem, the author refers to England as a positive place that will always be familiar to fall back on? Come back to this. I think that the tone […]

Immanuel Kant was born on the 22nd of April 1724 in Konigsberg, Prussia (now called Kaliningrad, Russia). He was born into a family of Lutheran Protestant faithful during the age of enlightenment. He was educated at Collegium Fridericianum and the University of Konigsberg and his main interests are epistemology (theory of knowledge, especially with regard […]

Gatsby Winter Dreams Gold, showing wealth and prize. Gold. Shows the person as a prized possession, shows wealth, which Judy has. “Judy Jones, a slender enamelled doll in cloth of gold: gold in a band at her head, gold in two slipper points at her dress’s hem.” Character type: Daisy (Gatsby’s one desire, wanted to be […]

After reading Chapter 4 of The Great Gatsby, pair up with someone you have not worked with so far this year. Together, discuss the questions below. As you do so, make notes about what you talk about and any specific quotes that you reference as a post on your own blog. Both members of the […]

    Give a recount of the events in the opening chapter. At the beginning of the chapter we are introduced to the narrator, Nick, who lives on West Egg, Long Island, just outside of New York. The main event of the chapter is Nick attending his second cousin (once removed) Daisy and her husband Tom Buchanan’s house. He first meets […]